How we can help

Poole Osteopathy can help people sort out all kinds of problems.

We use a system of diagnosis, taking of a thorough case history and examination process to detect damaged or injured parts of the body such as muscles, ligaments nerves and joints.

Osteopathic treatment will use touch, physical manipulation, stretching and massage to increase joint mobility, relieve muscle tension, enhance blood supply and nerve innervations. All of which help your body’s own healing mechanism.

Advice may also be provided on posture and exercise to help aid recovery, promote health and reduce the risk of symptoms returning.

If you are receiving any other form of treatment, we may ask you to contact your GP for their agreement to therapy. This is essential, to ensure that our techniques do not interfere with any other treatment or medication.

For more information about neck pain, shoulder pain relief, frozen shoulder, osteopathy for golfers or any other services we offer in Poole, Wimborne and Broadstone, please contact us.

These are some of the conditions we treat:

  • Lower and Upper back pain

  • Pelvis, leg and hip pain

  • Sciatica, neuralgia and fibromyalgia

  • Neck Pain

  • Headaches

  • Tension – inability to relax

  • Postural and Occupational strains

  • Sports Injuries and tensions

  • Frozen Shoulder, Tennis Elbow

  • Shoulder Pain

  • Circulatory Problems

  • Generalised Joint Pain

  • Arthritic Pain

  • Asthma and Osteopathy